Q: Who do I contact for more information?
A: Please reach out to us at info.web@deighton.com if you have any questions about DUC, the registration process, or are just looking for additional information.
Q: When and where is DUC2025?
A: DUC2025 will be taking place in Whitby, Ontario, Canada, in the Deighton Associates Ltd. corporate office! The conference will run from Monday, June 9 to the end of the day on Thursday, June 12.
Q: Is there a fee to register?
A: There is a fee to attend DUC. Please check your email to see if you received a discount code from your designated Account Manager. Discounts are made available based on support tier subscriptions, as well as additional circumstances.
Q: Is there an Early-Bird Ticket Price?
A: Yes! Early-bird ticket prices are available until March 31, 2025 at 11:59pm.
Q: Are agency pass tickets still an option?
A: This year, DUC2025 will be run In-Person, and offer only individual tickets to attend.
Q: Is there a virtual component to DUC2025 if I can't attend in person?
A: No. This year, the Deighton team has changed the structure of DUC2025 and will only be offering In-Person format in June.
Q: Are sessions recorded?
A: Yes. Most sessions will be recorded and will be made available to registered attendees shortly following the conference.